02 March 2007


I get some funny Google searches. I get some that make me sad, too, like anyone actually looking up infertility information. I'm sad when anyone is in that situation.

For your pre-Shabbat (or weekend for my non-Jewish friends in the nets) reading pleasure, forthwith I present my most recent Google searches, and my comments on each.

getting 3cc but injections
Could this be 3cc "butt" injections? I have no idea what this means.

male jewish pregnancy blood test
To the best of my knowledge, there is no blood test to check for male pregnancy, Jewish or otherwise.

infertility roller coaster male perspective
I wonder if this was a man searching, or a very thoughtful woman searching to get some insight on her infertile husband?

gallbladder Twitching
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so sorry I'm not alone. (btw, it turns out it's related to my IBS)

is socializing difficult for an orthodox kosher jew?
It doesn't have to be. It depends on with whom you wish to socialize. If an orthodox kosher jew wants to socialize with people who insist on eating bacon out on a Friday night, that might be difficult. If an OKJ wants to meet some friends for a drink after work, no problem. Going to the movies is a problem for some groups, but not others. Of those who go to the movies, some will go to any movie, others will only go to "family" movies (no sex, bad language, etc.).

count for how many jewish males are in the world
Why would someone want to know this? Besides, everyone knows it really only matters how many Jewish FEmales there are in the world, since we're the ones with all the power ;)

why jews want male babies
Most Jews want healthy babies. While there are some Jews, as with any group, who would prefer a male child (you don't have to pay for the wedding!), most orthodox Jews want at least one male and one female baby, to satisfy the mitzvah of p'ru urvu, be fruitful and multiply. This mitzvah is typically seen to include both a male and female baby, because it takes a male and female to multiply. Not that you would want your male and female babies to multiply with each other. Ew.

darfur genesis
Thank you for being interested in this horrific situation. I hope you found my links helpful.

vasectomy and orthodoxy
Makes it sound like two religions, no? Welcome to the High Orthodox Church of Vasectomy. Orthodox Jews say it is a no-no. Doesn't mean some don't do it. Doesn't mean some didn't do it before they became orthodox.

orthodox judiasm and egg donation
I'd direct this person to Wessel's site, but she took it down. Jews are allowed to use donor eggs. There are, of course, guidelines for using donor eggs, so consult your LOR (locally ordained rabbi).

jewish infertility
Yep, Jews can be infertile, just like anyone.

johnny depp jewish ancestry
Oh no he doesn't. With that cute little nose?

jewish fish fertility
Jewish fish? Fish fertility? There are no Jewish fish (aside from gefilte. And lox, of course). And it's been my experience that fish are extremely fertile. How would you do IVF on a fish, anyway? And how would you circumcise the little buggers?!!

Shabbat shalom and have a great weekend!

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At 3/3/07 10:02 p.m., Blogger Thalia said...

heh hehehhee. I enjoyed that, thank you. (and it's not shabbat here any more).

At 4/3/07 9:15 p.m., Blogger Lut C. said...

Oh boy, some of those searches are pretty bizarre.

I still haven't figured out how to see them in my statistics. Perhaps I don't have the right provider, or I should pay for a premium account?

At 6/3/07 3:13 a.m., Blogger x said...

Google searching mostly make me sad, I just don't have the answers for things people ask.

At 6/3/07 7:13 p.m., Blogger Ms. Perky said...

wait, seriously? Donor eggs? Oh that's awesome. I've never asked my rabbi the shaila because it's not my need (yet?), but I know his answer to several people is basically "everything's okay up to and not including donor eggs." Man, I wish I'd read wessel's blog when I had the chance.

At 8/3/07 8:39 p.m., Blogger projgen said...

Karen, donor eggs are a sticky issue. I don't remember exactly what the "rules" are, but I think one was something like, the woman couldn't have had children yet.

I wouldn't ask your regular rabbi; I would make sure you contact a posek (maybe suggest to your rabbi that you contact a posek together) - try Rabbi Baruch at www.puah.org.il, or Yeshiva University in New York. Good luck!


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