21 September 2006

Happy New Year!

No, not that kind. No streamers, noisemakers, fireworks, champagne or Mariah Carey cleavage on Rosh Hashana.

The Jewish New Year is a little different.

Now is the time of year when Jews take a look back at the 12 months. Have we lived up to our potential? Have we treated everyone as kindly as we could have? Have we listened as closely as we should have? Have we taken opportunities to learn and grow? Have we made every effort to become the kind of person G-d meant for us to become?


Then now is the time of year to consider the next 12 months. To think about how we can better reach our potential. How we can be kinder, and more considerate. How we can be more attentive to those around us. How we can make opportunities for ourselves for learning and growth. How we can move ever closer to G-d and be the person that G-d envisions us to be.

L'shana Tova - Ketivah vi-chatima Tova. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for good, and may all of us merit to see our dreams of parenthood come true.


At 21/9/06 9:51 p.m., Blogger Lut C. said...

Happy new year! And I hope your dreams do come true in the upcoming year.

It sounds rather serious though. Is there a Jewish holiday where streamers, noisemakers, fireworks are called for?

At 22/9/06 3:11 a.m., Blogger Bea said...

Well, I'm not Jewish, but happy new year to you, too!

I hope the next year is a new leaf and a new life.


At 22/9/06 4:09 a.m., Blogger projgen said...

Thanks, Bea & Lut! Lut, in answer to your question, that would be Purim. Purim comes around March, we dress in costumes, make a lot of noise, get rip-roaring drunk and generally make asses of ourselves. Good times!

I talked about Purim a little bit in this post:

At 22/9/06 1:58 p.m., Blogger Thalia said...

I just stopped by to wish you happy new year as well. I'm really struggling with how to get through it, but your words are a good starting point, thank you.

At 22/9/06 4:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, and L'Shana Tova to you as well. I know that I have plenty on which to reflect about the past year.

At 26/9/06 4:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

L'shana Tova - Ketivah vi-chatima Tova. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for good, and may all of us merit to see our dreams of parenthood come true.

Amen! Gamar chatima tovah. (May you be sealed in the Book of Life for good health, happiness, and nachas from the child I hope you will be blessed with.

At 27/9/06 8:10 p.m., Blogger x said...

I hope your new year is blessed and brings you much happiness.


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