In the beginning, G-d made Man. And He saw that it was good. Then came more Men. One Man married Woman. G-d saw that it wasn't His first choice, but what can You do? Woman didn't want children, so Man got a vasectomy. Man divorced Woman. Man meets another Woman, and marries her. Man and Woman want children.G-d rolls on the floor, holding His Gut from laughing so hard.
Man and Woman spend many, many dollars on
Test results say
"What now?" says Man.
Next: Man discovers
I had never heard of anyone without children being talked into a vasectomy. My hubbie got talked into it after 3 children and now we are going to IVF.
I think vasectomy's are getting just a little too easy, it just makes me sad.
what does Halacha say about donor sperm?
He wasn't actually *talked* into it; he assumed they'd be married forever and if she didn't want kids, then well, he didn't want 'em either. I'm actually mad at the doctor - a young, childless man asks for a vasectomy and the doctor doesn't make him think about it, or insist that he at least freeze a sample.
Although Urologist #2 says that if a vas candidate asks for a sample to be frozen, he won't do the vas - he thinks they're not really ready for it.
Shelli, I actually haven't looked into that - we did a MESA (sperm aspiration), and got great results. We have lots of supply to work with, the problem is coming up with more $$s for another cycle. :(
Hilarious! Euh, your post, not the reality behind it.
That's so tragic, it's funny. Also, I'm suprised that the urologist said he wouldn't perform a vasectomy on someone who asked for sperm to be frozen, when I think that's a very responsible and thought-through decision.
Hi, by the way, from a lurker who finally decided to comment.
Thanks, lut c.!
Welcome, girl story! I was surprised by the doc's statement, as well. But he said anyone who thinks they need to keep a sample "just in case," isn't 100% sure. And he won't do it unless the person is 100% sure.
But can anyone be 100% sure of anything like that?
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